Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
I made our Christmas stockings!
homemaking skills,
Sunday, December 20, 2009
SNOW DAY and travel tips
Be sure to accessorize during your holiday parties.
All christmas travelers must have their luggage, their handbag and their hat. Yes her gettysburg hat is on backwards :)
Have a very Merry Christmas! If you are traveling, be safe. and if you're staying at home, be warm. May you feel the love of Jesus Christ in your lives at this special time.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas Carol Tribute to the Broughs
The Brough family has taught me many things. One of them is a Christmas carol parody. We are expecting snow this evening and this song must now be sung. I dedicate this to Larry, Joy, Brad, David, Jennifer, and Kathryn.
(to be sung to the tune of "Let it Snow!")
Oh, the weather outside is frightful,
and my dog is getting spiteful,
so I open the door to let him go
(to be sung to the tune of "Let it Snow!")
Oh, the weather outside is frightful,
and my dog is getting spiteful,
so I open the door to let him go
Monday, December 14, 2009
Dance 'til you drop
This is Lily and her cousin Ellie dancing at Thanksgiving. Ellie wanted to show me her new tap shoes. I taught her how to shuffle and that's about all she does the whole time. Lily had to then put on her black shiny shoes and do some of her own dancing. She's a natural! Check out Lily trying to shuffle along with Ellie.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Our baby is a...
BOY! That's right! A little baby boy is headed our way. I think everyone I needed to personally tell has been informed, if not, sorry, now you know. I had 2 ultrasounds in the last week. The first technician kept saying, I want to say boy but I can't tell for sure. Well the second technician said without a moments hesitation "This is a boy!" Actually she typed it before she told me, she thought I already knew. She was typing "M A L" when she asked "do you already know the sex of the baby?" when I responded "No" she stopped in her tracks and looked worried, "did you want to find out?" I already knew the answer at this point but calmed her with a resounding "YES!" And that's when she typed the "E" and pointed out what I could already see in the ultrasound as a boy. He was not shy or modest. He is all boy! My mom surprised me at the hospital and showed up to support me or be there for any bad news. I insisted on going alone thinking no one else needed to waste their time there. It was great to have some to cheer with as we talked excitedly about our precious male child. He will be the first grandson on David's side. There are 6 beautiful girls and now there will be a handsome boy to chase and annoy them.
My family was pretty shocked by this. Throughout generations on my mother's side the woman all have 2 girls followed by 2 boys after that is wildcard. This is true for both of my sisters, my mother, my grandmother (well we think, my mom was an only child but still a girl first), both great grandmothers. Notice a trend. Well I've now broken that trend! There is shopping to be done. I've already begun!
In other good news, both ultrasounds declared me farther along than originally anticipated by one week. My new due date is May 31, 2010. My mother hopes her birthday present next year will be her newest baby boy May 26. We'll see. I would love to go early. Lily was a week late!
And in even better news, I LOVE my midwife. She is kind, patient, full of explanation. I've already made her aware of a few of my requests at the birth and she is fully supportive (let's just pray she delivers me.) And she is very complimentary. She makes you like her. She has already told me I have beautiful long eyelashes, I'm gorgeous, and I have small hips. Everything a pregnant woman needs to hear. Scratch that, everything everyone woman needs to hear! And she grouped me with the "tiny girls" she delivers. She is definitely a keeper!
P.S.- she thinks my bloodclot was due to a low placenta. It is apparently attached low in my uterus meaning more likely to have small bleeding should anything disrupt the cervix. She listed many causes. Nothing to be too concerned about. I'm off bedrest and she expects a healthy pregnancy.
My family was pretty shocked by this. Throughout generations on my mother's side the woman all have 2 girls followed by 2 boys after that is wildcard. This is true for both of my sisters, my mother, my grandmother (well we think, my mom was an only child but still a girl first), both great grandmothers. Notice a trend. Well I've now broken that trend! There is shopping to be done. I've already begun!
In other good news, both ultrasounds declared me farther along than originally anticipated by one week. My new due date is May 31, 2010. My mother hopes her birthday present next year will be her newest baby boy May 26. We'll see. I would love to go early. Lily was a week late!
And in even better news, I LOVE my midwife. She is kind, patient, full of explanation. I've already made her aware of a few of my requests at the birth and she is fully supportive (let's just pray she delivers me.) And she is very complimentary. She makes you like her. She has already told me I have beautiful long eyelashes, I'm gorgeous, and I have small hips. Everything a pregnant woman needs to hear. Scratch that, everything everyone woman needs to hear! And she grouped me with the "tiny girls" she delivers. She is definitely a keeper!
P.S.- she thinks my bloodclot was due to a low placenta. It is apparently attached low in my uterus meaning more likely to have small bleeding should anything disrupt the cervix. She listed many causes. Nothing to be too concerned about. I'm off bedrest and she expects a healthy pregnancy.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Bed rest for me
Sadly I'm on bed rest for a few days. Yesterday afternoon I passed a small blood clot. My midwife's office instructed me to head directly to the ER. After 7 hours they sent me home calling it a threatened miscarriage and an upper respiratory infection. I had no other bleeding or pain. I think they were just scratching their heads at me. So they put me on bed rest until I see my midwife again next week. They also gave me some antibiotics to get rid of my coughing and everything. I had another ultrasound and the baby is active and happy. We also found out the gender of the baby but I won't be sharing that yet until I get in touch with all our immediate family first by phone.
These are photos of the first ultrasound. Hope you can see the baby in there.
Here's the baby sucking its thumb.
The baby measured more than a week ahead but probably not enough to change my due date.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
I'm thankful we heard the heart beat!
That's right I'm almost 13 weeks pregnant! Baby Brough #2 is due June 5, 2010. I don't like to post the exact day because if and when that day comes and goes I will be sad. I remember it all too well when Lily came a week later than anticipated.
I visited Midwife Jeanne yesterday and was so excited when she pulled out her music maker(ultrasound machine to listen to the heart). It sure was music to my ears. I've been worried that I was crazy and just had the stomach flu for a few weeks. Or I'd show up and they'd say you're not pregnant just early menopause. But its not. I'm creating another perfect baby to join to my eternal family. I've never been so happy to be a woman in all my life as I've been as a mother. My angel Lilia is better than I could have imagined.
I was honestly worried I wouldn't feel the same way about this little one. And sadly up until now it has seemed unreal and I haven't felt very connected. I'm thankful for the technology that has given me the opportunity to connect with my baby. I'm crying as I type all of this and I know now with certainty that this baby will have every bit of my love as Lilia has. I didn't understand as other mothers said "you're love isn't divided, its multiplied." I understand.
I know I'm not a talented writer, but this post was written for me to draw even closer to my new child. But if you've taken the time to read it, I hope you enjoyed it.
I visited Midwife Jeanne yesterday and was so excited when she pulled out her music maker(ultrasound machine to listen to the heart). It sure was music to my ears. I've been worried that I was crazy and just had the stomach flu for a few weeks. Or I'd show up and they'd say you're not pregnant just early menopause. But its not. I'm creating another perfect baby to join to my eternal family. I've never been so happy to be a woman in all my life as I've been as a mother. My angel Lilia is better than I could have imagined.
I was honestly worried I wouldn't feel the same way about this little one. And sadly up until now it has seemed unreal and I haven't felt very connected. I'm thankful for the technology that has given me the opportunity to connect with my baby. I'm crying as I type all of this and I know now with certainty that this baby will have every bit of my love as Lilia has. I didn't understand as other mothers said "you're love isn't divided, its multiplied." I understand.
I know I'm not a talented writer, but this post was written for me to draw even closer to my new child. But if you've taken the time to read it, I hope you enjoyed it.
Monday, November 2, 2009
We ran away to Utah back in October.
We went to Utah to visit and help out my sister in October. We had a fabulous time minus the week of sickness that we all shared. Mom and I walked around temple square one morning. Lily mostly wanted to get in the water.
He would stop at the bottom of the slide each time so she could slide down and hug him.
Lilia Lately,
It has been awhile since I dedicated a post to my little sweet heart. Here are photos from the last 2 months. She's so big now! She talks and does silly things to make us laugh. She can say her animal sounds, label the face with words, she eats well with a fork and spoon and has many opinions. She has gone potty several times and loves to be outside. And she loved Trick or treating, she said "reet reet" and wanted candy!
She loves playing with my old troll dolls. She was very concerned about their hair and was trying to fix it.

her "house" is where the portable dishwasher sits unless its being run. She loves to play inside!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Our dog Peanut!
Monday, October 19, 2009
My little helper
I made apple crisp and Lily was interested in helping me. First she washed the apples in water. (meaning Lily ate one apple.)
then she stirred the apple peelings in a large bowl of water. She took this very seriously.
(don't tell her but it wasn't actually part of the recipe, just keeping her busy.) She would pick up any peel that went into the sink and force any that came up the sides back into the water. And this morning she was very eager to stir the eggs for breakfast!
Don't touch my apple peels!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Do you play house?
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Nursery or Bust
Well, that last two Sundays she has been free from us. She did awesome! Sister Jill said she's even better without us. Lily sits for their 15 min. lesson, she dances when they sing and she behaves well. WOO HOO!
And even cooler.... SHE SAYS "JESUS". She recognizes His picture. When asked at home or in nursery she says "Jesus". And according to Sister Jill she said "baptize" twice on Sunday. I have not heard that myself.
We are excited for her to gain her own testimony of Jesus Christ and His gospel. Thanks Sister Jill for your patience and love, (and of course all the M&M's Lily receives as incentive.)
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Lily Tumbles!
Lily started doing this herself. She'd put her head on the floor and look through her legs at you. A little while ago I helped her by pushing her over. She thought it was great! (This is the one and only time I think I'll publicly admit to pushing my child, except on a swing.) She does it all on her own now and loves it! She's 18 months now!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
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