Well, as mentioned last week I cheated. And wow did that change my attitude. I suddenly stopped caring. I fell off the bandwagon and into a shopping frenzy. I desperately wanted more. Perhaps its an addiction. Now I truly understand why there needs to be black and white when it comes to goals. No grey area!
He shares his talent with us = mom's night off! Monday was pizza. We needed cheese (allowable purchase) and a few toppings (don't really qualify). So while I was breaking the rules buying pepperoni I also bought some soda (cause who really eats pizza without it) and a box of Trix cereal (I will explain later).
Pizza was fabulous! The kiddos helped "decorate" it, and there was much rejoicing!
Now about the Trix. Cereal is an item we go through quickly. But I didn't buy it cause we were out (you know the weekly count). General Mills has an amazing movie promotion, but few boxes can still be found.
Buy 2 specially marked boxes, go to a website and enter the codes and receive a FREE movie ticket to a participating theater. Recently, I discovered a lone specially marked box in my pantry. As fate would have it, ShopRite had a handful of boxes left. I had to do it, for the sake of free cinema. This will be the 6th free movie ticket I've earned through this promotion. Seriously, its rad!
I'm half way to my goal of 11 weeks of Pantry Living. I'm climbing aboard the bandwagon again and repenting of my evil ways ; )
Cereal Count: 16 unopened boxes