Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Reality Check

Ok so I'm a mom. I love being a mom. I think this Mother's Day was meant to teach me a few lessons... or perhaps a test to see what lessons I've learned. Here are my results:

1- Disney is fun and lovable but teaches bad things to my daughter. These are not what you might be intitally thinking. Lilia's current favorites are Rapunzel and Mulan. The bad lessons learned: hair cutting and writing on your body.

1A- As we were prepared to leave the house Lilia informed me she cut her dolls hair like Rapunzel. Poor Barbie was left with a bad mohawk, no magical powers and no clothes (those were removed prior).
LESSON: Find the blessing amidst the disaster- she only cut a doll's hair and not her own.

1B- As we arrived at church and I go to unbuckle Lilia from her car seat I discovered she's used blue pen to draw all over her right leg(thigh to ankle, front and back), and her new white church sandals, and both hands. Her reason "Mulan do it and say 'Notes in case I forget'". My response, "well Mulan got in trouble too!"
LESSON Continued: Find the blessing amidst the disaster- she spared her dress and the ink was removed with vigorous rubbing of 2 wet wipes.

2- I'm asked to give the opening prayer while I'm holding one child and the other is wrapped around my knees. I agree. Babe in arms begs for milk during opening hymn, falls asleep, and wakes screaming when handed to off to another so I can publicly pray.
LESSON: Doesn't matter if no one in the congregation could hear me over my sons wailing, it brought me the spirit.

3- Sharing Time Prep for Mother's Day: 4 hours (making "My Mother" books for kids to fill out, dipping strawberries, making boxes for strawberries enough for 36 kids and 10 primary workers)
Actual Sharing Time: 20 mins (15 kids and 9 workers)
LESSON: It doesn't matter. They loved it and the extras were given to many more including a few who might have been overlooked today.

4-Terrible Twos have nothing on the Temper-mental Threes.
LESSON: I hold my ground, I put up a good fight. But in the end I must distract the child who is literally kicking me out of her bed so she can go get the purse full of chapsticks and hide them beside her, make her smile and show her my increase of love.

I'm a mom. I love being a mom. I love my husband and the beautiful red roses he gave me. I love that he still honors my birthday gift of sleep and gets up with the kids each morning so I can sleep. I love that he gave me a "day of shopping alone". I love that he kisses me 4 times each night before sleep. I love that Max wants me and only me 90% of the time. I love those wet kisses he bestows on me. I love that Lily still wants to be my baby. I love that she wants to climb in bed with me when she wakes up and will only lie on whichever side of the bed I'm facing. My life is unpredictable but this much I know for certain. I'm a mom. I love being a mom.


  1. Melanie, you always speak from the heart, and your words and the feelings that result are poignant enough to cause a good case of sniffles. (We men must maintain a sense of decorum.) Thank you for a homage to Mother's Day that stirred memories that I still treasure. I miss my mom.

  2. Sounds like a "great" day! You kids are blessed to have such a great mom. Glad you're able to keep perspective. Joy in the journey!!!
