Saturday, December 10, 2011

Dear Santa,

Lilia's 1st letter to Santa~

Dear Santa,
We want toys! We love you so much. We love to eat chicken and we love to eat mashed potatoes. We want for Christmas is a doll house. Max wants candy, and I want candy in my stocking and Pocahontas and Jasmine. Daddy wants a 'tar (guitar). Max wants is a puppy, not a real puppy who not talks. And I want a dolly. Two dollies and dolly clothes. Grammy wants a Christmas is a hide. (she said it means- lions don't eat it.) Pop wants a little cat, not a real cat who doesn't scratch who doesn't do nothing ever. Max wants Little People and that's all. I love you so much.

Love, Lilia

-and we love to put the angel on the top.

(this is in her exact words)


  1. Lilia is a hoot! It's so sweet that she remembered everyone. What a darling girl. Sorry about the allergic reaction. That looked awful (and a lot like how Becca looked when she had her reaction!). So glad she is feeling better now.

  2. Oh and this is Kathryn. Don't know why it's in Dave's name.
