Friday, August 9, 2013

Pantry Living Weeks 7 & 8

I'm still here, avoiding the grocery store as much as possible. Summer company arrived and I cheated once to buy syrup for waffles at 8am. A friend sent me a recipe for homemade syrup, which I plan on trying but that also requires an ingredient I need to buy.

Pantry after 8 weeks

Unopened cereal box count: 10

 I'm on the home stretch of Pantry Living. It will last only 3 more weeks, 2 of which we'll be visiting family on vacation! In anticipation of our family vaca I set aside snacks for the plane ride weeks ago. So glad I did. The plane snacks include: 4 granola bars, 1 bag swedish fish, 4 fruit snacks, and 2 notebooks (not for consumption). 

My current concern is my baby and her food supply. She likes to feed herself, but she has only the beginnings of a first tooth. I struggle to find a variety of foods she can feed herself that are healthy. That search continues.

One more thing. I am out of bagged long grain rice. I do have a 20yr long term can of rice in my emergency food supply. Do I really save it for the next 20yrs waiting for a disaster? or do I rotate it through? Not gonna open it this summer but still not sure what to do.

I've begun my shopping list for the beginning of Sept. That will be fun!


  1. Have you read Baby Led Weaning? It's a book about feeding your baby actual solids right off the bat--skipping purées. (It's not about weaning her early ...) You might be surprised what she can handle, even without teeth. [end unsolicited advice] Look at you go! What a cool experiment! You're nearly there!!!

  2. Wow.! Amazing! This is Stacey Mangum. I'm too lazy to log in. :)

  3. Following off Deja's comment, I actually started letting toothless Cole feed himself. Last night I gave him raw strips of red bell pepper which he mangled but somehow consumed. Watermelon "fingers" were also a big go, as are avocado slices. Other friends have tried steamed broccoli florets, cauliflower, or carrot strips. They (like Babies R Us and Walmart, I think) do have mesh bag thingies that you can put any food in and the babies can gnaw on, getting little pieces at a time. I have one friend who loves that. GL--it's always tough to find stuff that isn't junk that babies can eat!
