Saturday, May 30, 2009

The coolest baby backpack ever!

Alright, so I'm a yard-saler. Frequently I wake on Saturday morning and think what a nice day to shop! Let's make a deal. I don't tend to negotiate here in America. Most Americans take it as an insult. That took some getting used to after Taiwan where if you didn't barter you were an idiot paying more than double what you should. So I shop around yard sales before I buy up more expensive items (by expensive I mean more than $5). So I'll get to the point. I have a small baby backpack that I like to carry Lilia in when on walks. She really enjoys it! She is getting very heavy, big and my backpack is not highend and its about 15 years old(or more).
Its time for an upgrade. I saw one really great one for hiking and things but he wanted $20. Too rich for my taste. But I couldn't get it off my mind. Heavenly Father blesses me even in my silly desires. Two yard sales later I found it, the single greatest invention for transporting a child. And it was only $10! I was trying hard to contain my giddy delight at the find. So without further ado, here it is!
Its a backpack with a waist belt and a chest strap for extra support. One of the best features is the sun shade to keep my Lily from wilting in the heat. Notice the bar that will lock in position for stable support so I can set it on the ground.

Next cool feature is the bar folds down totally while the child is on your back.

The last and greatest part is that it becomes a stroller! With the push of a button that handy handle moves all the way up and the stroller is now ready to go. Wish to stop the stroller a minute just pop that handle down again and its a stable base. Ahhhhh! I'm in love!

I also picked up this cute shopping cart for Lil for $2. (and it came with play food.)I'm teaching her how to shop. =)


  1. That IS the coolest backpack ever.

    And I had forgotten about the jean-ripping. Laughed out loud to remember. So thanks.

  2. I want one! You are blessed! Tell me, what is the brand name so I can look into it!

  3. Go bargain shopper! That really is the best backpack--I'm jealous!
