Thursday, July 7, 2016

How does your garden grow?

Melanie Melanie Water-melanie, How does your garden grow?
With tomatoes, green beans, and sugar snap peas
and zucchini all in a row!

Garden before Week 1: green beans, 2 zucchini
I'm excited to have a second raised bed this year. I designed the U-shape with random discount wood I got at home depot. It will be a great shape for weed pulling and harvest time!
Garden before Week 1: 3 tomatoes, sugar snap peas, dead blueberry bush and green beans
This spring I attempted to grow all my own plants from seed......I'm skipping to the punchline which is: it didn't work. The green beans were the only ones that grew. I had to break down and buy plants and it put my garden a week or two behind schedule. This time last year my plants were starting to bear fruit.
I'm growing 3 cherry tomatoes, a handful of sugar snap peas (all that came up), small square of bush green beans (contender),  4 rows of pole green beans and 2 zucchini plants. I'M SO EXCITED! I have high hopes for the garden. OH and before I forget my dead blueberry bush. I am really good at killing fruit bushes so I thought I'd kill a blueberry this year. The base is starting to regrow new leaves so I am hopefully it will return in a year or two but for now it is a permanent eye sore in my garden.
I didn't plant marigolds this year for a somewhat silly reason. So marigolds are said to keep bugs away from your plants and produce. I attempted from seed. Didn't grow. By the time I got around to  purchasing them this year and the ones left were expensive and I'm too cheap.  
Garden after week 2

Garden after week 2

Hooray for gardens!
So what are you growing this year? Let's get dirty!
Happy Summer!

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