Sunday, July 21, 2013


Facebook is different for everyone. I love that I can stay connected with my college roommates. I love seeing the new babies from high school friends. New messages and status comments boost me up. Those reactions make me want to update my status with more funny kid quotes, special moments and family details. Facebook in its twisted way has taught me to enjoy journaling, documenting my life and family history. 

I never did the "Dear Diary, no one at school likes me." Not my thing. In high school I took creative writing just so I could drop calculus. And all I really accomplished in that class was some great convos with my friend Jackie.

But I love to buy notebooks and journals. The crisp untouched page is exciting and clean, fully of possibility. I literally have a drawer with 8 unused journals. Some were gifts; others were just so pretty.

While prego with my first I was advised to document my dr. visits and my reactions to the ultrasounds and even write letters to my unborn child. I thought it sounded feasible, not too time consuming, a good way to prepare for motherhood. I did it. I even enjoyed it. I also updated fb on a regular basis.

My angel arrived and along with many photographs, I updated her achievements "holds a rattle", "hates baby food", "slept in crib last night". But even better I journaled about each dr. visit she had, her weight gain, her sicknesses, her likes and dislikes, funny stories about getting ahold of the cat and trying to lick him. Usually I would write in prose format giving details. Every few months I would write "Lilia Lately" and do bullet points, cute habits, silly phrases, favorite foods and shows, new knowledge.

Each stage felt like it would never end. And then I'd pick up the journal and see my last entry was 3 months ago and she didn't know her colors, she was biting and cried before nursery every week. Wow, she had already moved on, said a million new words, was a happy child all day and wanted her independence.

Long story short (too late) that piece of advice was worth its weight in gold. Tonight I filled in the last page of her 1st journal. It began with my first prenatal visit in Sept 2007. She is now 5 1/2 years old.

This journal is sacred to me. What began as simple bound pages has become a testimony of a tender life's beginnings. A life filled with love, laughter, joy and oweies. Yes, I even wrote her medical history.

Many adventures still lay ahead for my sweetheart. Journal #2 is ready to record her first day of Kindergarten, Halloween costumes, Christmas gifts, best friends, tummy aches and silly sayings.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a compulsive journaler, lol. Love it. Whenever we talk about family history when visiting teaching, I always try to sneak in a plug for journaling (personal history!) and how much fun it's been to go back and read a snippet from my life at a certain point in time...and hear my own voice in the pages, expressing things I've nearly forgotten.
